Hey, I'm Updog :]I'm a 21 year old digital artist and amateur musician living in the U.S.A. I love metal and hardcore subgenres, electronic music, psychological horror, Nintendo games, body modifications, and MS Paint.

Feel free to explore some of the links provided for access to my socials and information about my work & commissions!You can contact me through a direct message on Toyhou.se or Discord (ask on Toyhou.se if you need my username)!Have a good one!


  • Explicit sex scenes/genitalia. Implied or above-the-belt nudity is fine, though.

  • Violent gore. Candy or regular gore is fine, so long as the character isn’t being actively abused/harmed in the drawing itself.

  • Complex robots/mech.

  • Anything purposefully graphic/edgy, particularly if it is offensive to a specific demographic of people (The obvious stuff. Don't be racist, don't be homophobic, etc. If you have to ask “does this count,” then the answer is probably “yes,” but if it’s similar to something I’ve drawn before, feel free to ask.)

  • Extremely/purposefully complicated designs.

  • Hard drug use.

  • Anything else I'm uncomfortable with LOL :]

  • I will most likely give a reason if I refuse to do your request, so feel free to tweak it a bit so we’re both comfortable! There are some things on this list I may depict in personal art or be willing to draw for good friends, but please be respectful if I'm not up for drawing certain subject matter for commissioners.

  • Note that I am technically willing to draw both fan characters/characters from existing properties as well as art depicting foreign languages or scripts, but I may ask some questions beforehand. I'd like to know exactly what I'm putting out there with my art, so if I have no prior knowledge of the media your character is from or I can't double check what I'm writing, I'll be a little bit hesitant to proceed.



To commission me, please contact me with at least one clear, COLORED, minimally shaded reference.I also appreciate notes/advice when it comes to any details of your character's design that artists often omit or get wrong!

Note that these price ranges are not hard limits. If your commission will be especially difficult or simple, I may charge slightly above or below the listed prices. I'm also willing to negotiate/haggle.


These come colored and shaded according to the reference sheets provided, with some artistic liberties taken when it comes to highlights/accent colors and background colors unless otherwise specified by the commissioner. Props and full scenes can be done upon request; otherwise I will default to a solid-color background.

Prices TBA :p


These come colored and shaded within a specific color family, "inaccurate" (usually neon) colors meant to convey a specific feeling, and/or a narrower than normal range of colors within the character's palette. Specific palettes can be requested, or you can let me decide! Typically, I start on a white canvas and make heavy use of negative space to "etch in" the character(s). I go more for emotion than accuracy, but please let me know if you'd prefer a different approach!

Prices TBA :D


Please let me know upfront if you're interested in one of these so I can keep the sketches relatively cohesive and aligned on the canvas!PROGRESS GIFS will cost a bit more since I have to do some editing and be careful to save good progress frames, but they won't add much; this less of a commission tpye and more of an extra request for the buyer.SPEEDPAINTS are much more complicated to make and will cost quite a bit more depending on their length and how labor intensive the editing will be. I'm happy to discuss it on a case-by-case basis.
